Grooming Your Mini Schnauzer

This is a simple grooming chart to help the beginner. It was made to hang on the wall for my groomers to look at when they were learning to groom a Mini Schnauzer. If you want to use thinning shears to blend the lines where the body becomes longer on the sides hold the shears in an upright angle parallel with the legs. Go into the hair from underneath. Only take out small amounts, comb and remove more until the coat lays flat with no line. Feel free to copy the chart for your own use.
When I got this boy in the grooming shop I discovered the inside of all 4 legs had been shaved down to about 1', while the outside of the legs were left long. I only wish I had thought to take photos of before and after of the whole dog. The bridge of his nose had been shaved, his feet had been shaved and there was hardly enough growth to even do much but even up his legs.

This shows a 'White' puppy groomed with a #7F back shaved on the body. [I never use a #10 on a schnauzer's body. It leaves marks.] The photo shows what a groomed tail looks like. The tail should match the body length. This is not a setter breed which has a feathered tail! There should not be any hair that hangs down from the underside nor should it have the poodle ring around it. This is a Mini Schnauzer.

This dog looks like it's got a black eye. Some groomer shaved under this pretty 'Black/Silver's eyes and this is the result from the side. Look at the front view below. You just don't shave around a schnauzer's eyes. They are not poodles!

This 'Salt/Pepper' was groomed with a #4F with the hair growth for winter. His sides and skirt are blended and the chest is scissored so it does not stick out. Blend the legs into the body so it appears there is no line between the two. Legs are scissored round all over like an inverted baseball bat, smaller at the top than the bottom. Make sure to scissor angulation into the rear legs.